Adding more languages to MobbSign Web
Add a language
Currently, MobbSign Web includes English 🇬🇧 and Spanish 🇪🇸 translations, but you could add them by adding a translation file in your locales/
folder. The name of the file should follow this pattern:
Where lang
is an ISO 639 code, two-letter codes (set 1). You can use the provided translation-en.json
to complete your own translation file:
"mobbsign": {
"sign-tooltip": "Sign the document",
"annotate-tooltip": "Add annotation",
"discard-signature-tooltip": "Discard signature",
"confirm-signature-tooltip": "Confirm signature",
"done-tooltip": "Finish"
Show MobbSign Web in a language
To display MobbSign Web in a specific language, simply specify its ISO-639 code in the language
parameter when creating the MobbSign
new MobbSign({
language: 'fr',
}).then((mobbsign) => {