Migration from an older SDK version to v2.26.0
Configuration steps
First of all, please take a look at this page.
Minimum iOS version
From v2.26.0, the minimum supported iOS version is iOS 12.0, as this is the minimum iOS version that Xcode supports.
Remove deprecated types
In v2.26.0 some deprecated document types has been removed so we can used an improved version. You just have to change the old document types for the new ones.
Below you can find the list of the removed documents and those to be changed for.
Remove deprecated methods
Some deprecated methods has been removed in order to simplify the developing tasks by providing all the supported features with the minium methods as possible.
Document and MRZ Scanning
For the document detections, and MRZ scanning processes, these are the methods that has been removed:
- (void)scanDocumentForSide:(MobbScanDocumentSide)side
forScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
withDetectionResult:(IDDocumentDetected _Nullable)detectionResult
andScanResult:(IDDocumentScanned _Nonnull)scanResult
- (void)scanMRZForOperation:(ScanOperation*_Nonnull)operation
forScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
withDetectionResult:(IDDocumentDetected _Nullable)detectionResult
andScanResult:(IDDocumentScanned _Nullable)scanResult;
- (void)scanMRZForOperation:(ScanOperation*_Nonnull)operation
forScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId;
If you are using some of this methods in your project, you just need to replace it for this one:
- (void)scanMRZDocument:(ScanOperationMRZ *_Nonnull)operationMRZ
detectionResult:(IDDocumentDetected _Nullable)detectionResult
scanResult:(IDDocumentScanned _Nonnull)scanResult;
You can find more information about this method here.
Facial validation
For the facial validation methods, theese are the methods that has been removed:
- (void)checkDocumentValidationWithType:(MobbScanValidationType)type
forScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
withCheckResult:(ValidationChecked _Nonnull)checkResult;
- (void)checkDocumentValidationWithType:(MobbScanValidationType)type
forScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
withCheckResult:(ValidationChecked _Nonnull)checkResult
- (void)validateFaceForScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
withDocumentImage:(UIImage* _Nullable)documentImage
params:(MobbScanFaceValidationParams* _Nullable)faceValidationParams
withFaceAcquisitorResult:(MobbScanFaceAcquisitorListener _Nullable)faceAcquisitorResult
withCheckResult:(ValidationChecked _Nonnull)checkResult
andDocument:(IDDocument* _Nullable)document;
If you are using some of this methods in your project, you just need to replace it for this one:
- (void)validateFaceForScanId:(NSString *_Nonnull)scanId
params:(MobbScanFaceValidationParams *_Nullable)faceValidationParams
withFaceAcquisitorResult:(MobbScanFaceAcquisitorListener _Nullable)faceAcquisitorResult
withCheckResult:(ValidationChecked _Nonnull)checkResult;
You can find more information about this method here.
Remove getImages() method
Previous v2.26.0, the developers were able to request some images to the server, related to their own scanning processes, such as the MRZ image, the document sign... etc.
From v2.26.0 this feature has been ereased from the SDK.