Migration 2.x to 3.x version
This document is intended to highlight the main changes from the previous 2.x version and the 3.0 version. For more information, please refer to the javadoc included in the SDK distribution file.
Changes in Document Signed Listener.
Added more information to the listener that is launched when the document has been successfully signed.
[self.mobbSignView setOnDocumentSigned:^(NSData *signedDocument, NSData *encryptedSignatureData, UIImage *signatureImage, NSInteger signaturePage, CGRect signatureCoord)
This information is:
signedDocument The actual signed document bytes.
encryptedSignatureData The encrypted signature data (hash, biometric data and more data).
signatureBitmap Image of the signature.
signaturePage The page of the signature.
signatureCoord The coordinates of the signature.
Added a public method to include signed data in signature field.
Added a new public method to write optional data in the signed information of the signature field. The method is:
- (void)addSignedCustomField:(NSString*)key value:(NSString*)value;
Indicates a key-value pair field to be written in the signed information of the signature field.