Migration 2.13.x to 2.14.x version
This document is intended to highlight the main changes from the previous 2.13.x version and the 2.14.0 version. For more information, please refer to the javadoc included in the SDK distribution file.
As these release being a minor, the changes are only from previous imports
on the code.
With the inclusion of the new face detector, we have been forced to decouple this class, therefore, changing the path where is included. This results on having to change the imports of this class on your code.
import com.mobbeel.mobbscan.api.detection.MobbScanDocumentDetectionTrack;
import com.mobbeel.mobbscan.api.detection.detectionTrack.MobbScanDocumentDetectionTrack;
Due to conflicts found with third party dependencies with MobbScan this class had to be modified, changing the path where is located.
import com.google.android.cameraview.CameraView;
import com.mobbeel.android.cameraview.CameraView;