Changelog MobbScan Server
- Added support to CIVIDCard2020.
- Improved COLIDCardExt PDF417 section.
- Improved OCR Engine.
- Implemented legal age validation.
- Implemented DNN reattempting logic.
- Improved identity verification false rejection rate.
- Fixed an issue related to database/cache threads.
- Fixed an error for invalid MRZs during async scans.
- Fixed MRZ validation for CIV documents using TD1IDCard and IDDocumentMRZ.
- Improved city, state and dateOfIssuing sections for SLVIDCardV1.
- Fixed a matrix validation bug in PRTIDCard documents.
- Improved dateOfIssuing field for SLVIDCardV1 documents.
- Integrated MobbID for facial biometrics.
- Improved cityOfBirth and regionOfBirth fields for ESPIDCardV4 documents.
- Improved facial biometrics error feedback.
- Fixed MRZ validation for EEUU, Bangladesh and Kosovo passports.
- Fixed validation matrix behavior during facial biometrics special cases.
- Fixed on demand image generation using encrypted files.
- Fixed false negatives during MRZ validation in SLVIDCardV1 documents.
- Fixed returning SLVIDCard documentNumber including the control digit.
- Fixed facial matching error during validation.
- Fixed file encryption property.
- Fixed loading facial biometrics data during attended process.
- Fixed detection service issues.
- Added support to PHLIDCard.
- Fixed an error causing false positives during SLVIDCard MRZ validation.
- Fixed a bug in which some spanish passports number letters 'O' were being mistaken for number zero.
- Fixed generating on demand images in ESPIDCardV2 documents.
- Fixed an error in the validation matrix during facial biometrics.
- Implemented disabling document sections.
- Improved error handling.
- Fixed errors related to file encryption.
- Fixed facial biometrics result details bug.
- Improved performance during detection requests.
- Improved result saving, leading to enhanced performance.
- Fixed SLVIDCard OCR hyphen DUI error.
- Enabled the option to continue a scan even if the validation matrix fails.
- Improved third party validation error feedback.
- Improved facial biometrics performance using a new internal service.
- Fixed SLVIDCard small bug during third party validation.
- Implements a quality parameter in detection results.
- Implemente third party validations.
- Enhanced security for getImages operations.
- Implemented status field validation.
- Updated dependencies version.
- Improved logs for document stamps verification internal DNN service.
- Improved several PRTIDCard sections.
- Improved ESPIDCardV4 surname section.
- Improved SLVIDCardV1 city and state sections.
- Fixed SLVIDCard truncated name repeated error.
- Improved license selector filter.
- Adjusted DUI validation algorithm.
- Implemented webcam custom verification parameters property.
- Improved COLIDCardV3 document sections.
- Stopped using temp files during PDF417 parsings.
- Updated MySQL version.
- Fixed ESPIDCardV3 MRZ issues.
- Fixed ESPIDCardTIE personal number and appearance issues.
- Fixed TD1IDCard uruguayan gender bug.
- Fixed TD1IDCard exceptions due to mismatching back and front documentType scans.
- Fixed MRZ validation for indonesian documents.
- Implements license selector filter.
- Improved logs in document appearance verification internal DNN service.
- Added support for the new FaceAPI GetBestSelfiePAD endpoint.
- Created new Licenses table and migrates alias attribute to this new table
- Implemented exporting services without personalData by default
- Improved OCR for NameSurname section in SLVIDCardV1.
- Fixed NPE on slvIDCardV1CityStateOfIssuanceParser.
- Added DNN Appearance property.
- Improved Name Surname section crop in ESPIDCardV4.
- Fixed a bug in facial matching from SLVIDCardV1, SLVIDCardCA4 & GTMIDCard documents.
- Added support to ITAIDCardV3.
- Implements DNN Protocol Buffer Support.
- Improved OCR and fixed cropped area of sections for ITAIDCardV3.
- Added Version Section to PRTIDCard.
- Added returning image quality score on detection processes.
- Added front side information for COLIDCardExt. Added both sides validations for COLIDCardExt.
- Added validationGenderBothSidesMatch, validationPersonalNumberFormat and validationCheckMRZPersonalNumber to COLIDCardV4.
- Filled Country of birth if empty when scan process return Region of birth and City of Birth.
- Allows imagenFaceDocument parameter on /scanProcess service.
- Isolates image only if is not FACE_DOCUMENT image (yes for front or back)
- Implemented taking in account the previous FACE_DOCUMENT image on /identityVerification service
- Fixed wrong documentNumber in PANIDCardV2 documents.
- Removed ITAIDCard as document type and use it as generic ITA country document type.
- Added new ITAIDCardV2 document type.
- Fixed Italian language from PT Italian to IT Italian in language selector.
- Fixed some NPE in scanProcess.
- Fixed error that set "TRIBUNAL ELECTORAL" in PANIDCardV2 as name in some documents.
- Fixed ITAIDCardV3 sections to get the correct characters from OCR.
- Added support to PRTIDCard front documents. Extract data from front document and parse it.
- Added error traceability for IDR&D liveness service.
- Added property to force to crop document by license.
- Fixed overwrite facial matching score when liveness score didn't work properly.
- Fixed delete tmp detector resources and sessionId folder on /detectIDDocumentMRZ service
- Fixed scan and scan process events don't contain the needed information.
- Added Italian Language to MobbScan.
- Added case sensitive check for channel name.
- Allows to configure jdbc connection properties (maxActive, maxIdle,...)
- Fixed MRZ crop section of DEUIDCardV2
- Fixed overwrite facial matching score when liveness score didn't work properly.
- Added property to show validation JSON details in show validation page.
- Added license property to allow rejecting a scan process if the document type of both sides does not match.
- Added support to Indian passports which have personal Number in MRZ section.
- Fixed a bug resulting in a exception whenever the server tries to access a license property in scanProcess.
- Fixed a bug due to MRZ line lenght when icaoDocumentType is missing.
- Fixed translations bugs.
- Added validation criterions for COLIDCardV3, COLIDCardV4 and COLIDCardExt.
- Added 'rotate' optional parameter to /detect requests.
- Enabled false positive rejection if needed.
- Enabled sending images to DNN Detection without base64.
- Fixed a bug in which ResourcesPath is only needed for OpenCV, not for DNN services.
- Fixed a bug in DNN Detection Requests where MobbScanImage is null.
- Added support to PANIDCardV3.
- Added endpoint to get videos availables of a scan process.
- Added support to generic documents in ISO-3166 codes for documents CHL, COL, MEX, CHE, ROU, POL, HUN, BGR, ITA, HRV, GBR, AUT, CUB, MYS, CRI and IDN.
- Removes DrivingLicense documents from generic types ESP & SLV.
- Fixed a bug in image requesting due to being case sensitive.
- Fixed a bug in SLVIDCardV2 CityStateProfession section.
- Fixed personalNumber field for BEL IDs as TD1IDCard document.
- Fixed missing populate setImage on parseDetectionRequest.
- Upgraded maven compiler in order to use java 8
- Added default Image Signature section.
- Improved support to ITAIDCardV3.
- Added civil status detection on SLVIDCardV2 issued in EEUU.
- Added missing signature section os ESPIDCardRP and ESPIDCardTIE documents.
- Added verification using ID R&D service.
- Fixed ITAIDCardMRZSection.
- Fixed a bug in getAllUserForLicenses. Only if it 'matches' successfully.
- Fixed a bug in licenses filtered by user
- Fixed filling surnames with numeric values.
- Added a new endpoint called /version/downstream that allows to check the DNNs versions.
- Added support to ITAIDCardV3.
- Added TD1 to validation matrix.
- Fixed a bug in SLVIDCardV2 date of issuing.
- Fixed a bug in ITAIDCards MRZ detection.
- Fixed a bug detecting Document Number in front image of ESPIDCardTIE.
- Fixed Finantia OCR complex surnames.
- Fixed a bug that happened in ESPIDCardV4 documents when the name didn't fill in the third line of the MRZ.
- Fixed a bug that was scanning the document spite of not detecting front face of the document.
- Fixed a bug in MRZ validation for RUS, BRA, EGY, RKS, GEO, AFG ,PHL and JPN Passport that was returning NOT_VALID MRZ due to the inexistence of personal number.
- Improved POLIDCard MRZ section data extraction that in some cases wasn't working correctly.
- Added additional info in the export endpoint:
- validProcess field to indicate if the process has passed the matrix validation constrains.
- Scores and validations fields of identity verification requests.
- Fixed a bug in OCR extracion for Argentina TD1IDCard documents.
- Fixed a bug in MRZ validation for Passports that sometimes returned NOT_VALID value spite of having a correct MRZ.
- The detection process using the DNN service has been improved for processes that use the web application.
- Solved a bug that caused, when passports from several distinct countries, whose documents are not supported yet, were scanned, their results always returned not valid MRZ values.
- Solved a bug that caused, when documents from several distinct countries, whose documents are not supported in a specific way yet, were scanned, their results always returned not valid MRZ values.
- Solved a bug that caused, when passports whose user had not surnames, their results always returned not valid MRZ values.
- Added one new endpoint to verify the documents stamps.
- One new propety has been added in order to enable and disable the classification process for TD1IDCard documents.
- Added one new MRZ section to be processed by OCR service for documents from Bulgaria.
- Applied some improvements to increase the number of valid MRZ values for asynchronous processes.
- Deleted support to MD5 based passwords.
- Solved a bug that caused, when documents from North Macedonia were scanned, their results always returned not valid MRZ values.
- Implemented validation between faces for DEUIDCardAF and DEUIDCardV2 documents.
- Fixed a bug that caused we were put null values in some rows of the EVENT table for events of type IDENTITY_VERIFICATION.
- Some new fields, related to validations that are made on the documents, have been added to the attributes of the SCAN events.
- New error messages have been added that the liveness service can return for greater traceability.
- Fixed a bug that caused the liveness process fails in some cases with ESPIDCardV4 documents.
- Fixed a bug that caused false positive rejections on front faces incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that caused that we were not creating the directory of a process when the images were not indicated in the /scanProcess operation.
- The list of processes to be shown in the backoffice has been limited to 10 or 25 processes.
- Some new fields have been added in the result of the scanning process with IDNIDCard documents.
- New validations have been added to the validation matrix in order to be configured.
- Added support (extract the MRZ) to the new Colombia document.
- Added support for the new Peru document (PERIDCardV2).
- Fixed a bug when performing a scanning process with different documents.
- The process of extracting several fields for ESPIDCardV4 and HRVIDCard documents has been improved.
- The process of detecting documents CRIIDCard, PANIDCard and some passports has been improved.
- The MRZ field validation process for POLIDCard documents, Belgian documents (with TD1IDCard) and USA passports has been improved.
- It is allowed to show the images of finished processes as NOT_CLASSIFIED and NOT_DETECTED.
- Added a new error response when a process fails the validation process after a liveness process.
- The home page has been removed in order to reduce the number of requests to the database.
- The reason for rejecting liveness processes has been added to the backoffice detail page.
- Fixed an error that caused in some cases to return invalid values for the MRZ field in SLVIDCardV2 documents.
- Fixed an error that caused that we were not correctly displaying the information extracted in the PDF417 field for SLVIDCardV2 documents.
- Some parameters, related to the memory to be used for the construction of the MobbScan image, have been modified.
- The compression process with FFMPEG to the liveness processes input videos has been deleted.
- Fixed an error when configuring timeout times with DNN services.
- Fixed an error that caused the results of the appearance process to not be displayed correctly on the backoffice detail page.
- Fixed a bug that caused us to return null values in the place of birth and date of issue fields for SLVIDCardV2 documents.
- Improved the PDF417 decoding process for documents from El Salvador.
- Improved some performance issues during liveness and scanning processes.
- Fixed some OCR issues for documents from El Salvador.
- Fixed a bug when performing the validation between faces of ESPIDCardV4 documents.
- Fixed some OCR issues for documents from El Salvador.
- Fixed some OCR issues for documents from El Salvador.
- Fixed a bug when returning the result of the validation between faces for some documents from El Salvador.
- Fixed a bug when extracting the MRZ in some documents from El Salvador.
- Fixed a vulnerability issue with the /identity Verification operation
- Fixed a performance issue with database requests.
- Improved the extraction accuracy of name and surname for Spanish identity cards (DNIs).
- Solved a bug that in some cases was rotating back side documents images without MRZ like documents from Panama or Costa Rica.
- Improved the validation process of MRZ values for documents from Poland, Croatia and Belgium.
- Improved the validation process of MRZ values for passports from United States of America.
- Improved the detection process for passports when the false positive rejection process is enabled.
- Solved a bug that caused in some cases, when one scan process was repeated with a different document, the extracted information was not refreshed correctly.
- Solved a bug that caused, when one scan process did not pass the scan validation process using the validation matrix after a liveness process, we were returning a response with a valid result instead of a response with the information about the process did not pass the validation process.
- The pagination system has been improved to load all available processes correctly in the process list view.
- The processes list view has been restricted to show only 10 or 25 processes in each page.
- The home page has been removed from the administration portal (because it was not used, and it was performing several operations that could overload the system).
- New validations have been added to the validation matrix that could be configured to validate scan processes.
- Images of not detected and not classified processes can be shown in the detail page now.
- Improved the extraction accuracy for the field's gender and nationality for SLVIDCardCA4 documents.
- Solved a bug that in some cases was returning the second surname value several times at the result when scanning ESPResidencePermit documents.
- Solved a bug that was setting place of birth value into the name field when scanning IDNIDCard documents.
- Solved a bug that was returning some documentNumber numbers as letters when scanning PANIDCard documents.
- Improved the asynchronous scan processes results adding a previous detection process with DNN at the IDDocumentMRZ scan step.
- Added a generic verification process for unknown documents types with basic checks (black and white control, screen pictures, etc.).
New features
- Added new endpoint to use the classification process with DNN (only for internal use by now).
- Added a new document type support: SLVIDCardV2.
- The FACE-NOW image type (selfie) was not available for TD1IDCard documents (generic type).
- Accuracy improvement when extracting the information of names and surnames for Spanish documents.
- Accuracy improvement when extracting information on expiration, birth and issue dates for documents from El Salvador.
- Accuracy improvement when extracting the information of names and surnames for Costa Rican documents.
New features
- The following ISO-3166 country codes have been added to enable classification between all documents from those
- DEU (Germany)
- GTM (Guatemala)
- PAN (Panama)
- Generic document type DEUResidentPermit has been added to enable classifying between all available supported versions of the issued document to foreign residents for Germany.
- The information related to validation validationBothSidesMatchScore has been added to the attributes of the events collected by the system.
- Added new extracted information to the response of scanning processes for IDNIDCard documents.
- Some URLs have been deleted from public classes to avoid security issues.
- The PDF417 was not being processed correctly for the COLIDCardExt documents. This situation has been fixed.
- The extraction process for the name field has been improved for IDNIDCard documents.
- The liveness video clipping was being carried out in a bad way (and its duration was too low). This situation has been fixed increasing the video clipping from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.
- The session cookie configuration has been deleted to avoid some issues in the validation portal access.
- The deletion policy has changed for users with ROLE_ADMIN. Administrators users will be able to delete another administrators users if these users have the same licenses group (or a reduced group).
- Information like the personalNumber and documentNumber fields values is saved at the EVENT database with a hash method.
- A new validation field has been included in the result for the IDNIDCard documents that returns the validation result for the date of birth field (whose value is present in NIK number and in the document).
- A new field has been included in the result for the IDNIDCard documents that returns the original value that is extracted by the OCR for the date of expiry value.
- New messages have been included in the log system when new requests arrive at the FieldInterceptor class to know all parameters that have included at these requests.
- The document detection process has been improved for the web application.
- Fixed some errors in the name and surname extraction in some cases when using the following documents: ESPIDCardV2, ESPIDCardV3, ESPIDCardV4 and TD3Passport.
- An error has been fixed that caused the timeout error did not throw when MobbScan made a request to a DNN service, and it did not respond for the corresponding reason.
- The fields corresponding to the address have been added to the detailed view of the IDNIDCard documents.
- The validationBothSidesMatch and validationBothSidesMatchScore fields has been added to the process events.
- An error that prevented the portal images were loaded when there was an error in the JSON file with the scan result has been fixed.
- An error when extracting the full name in IDNIDCard documents has been fixed.
- An error when extracting the date of birth in IDNIDCard documents has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented that the properties cached in memory from being updated when someone modified a property from the portal (frontend).
- An error that prevented the processes of those licenses that were not assigned to any system user from being deleted has been fixed.
New features
- One cache memory has been implemented to save the license properties temporary and to avoid continuously access to the database.
- Some document images must be generated on demand (MRZ, signature, PDF417, etc.).
- The scan validation process has been enabled for the next documents types:
- GTMIDCard.
- SLVIDCardV1.
- SLVDrivingLicenseV1.
- SLVDrivingLicenseV2.
- The validation matrix validation fields have been modified for the scan validation process:
- The next validation fields have been deleted from the validation matrix:
- validationDocumentContent
- The next validation fields have been renamed:
- validationFrontAppearanceScore => validationFrontAppearance
- validationBackAppearanceScore => validationBackAppearance
- validationFrontPhotocopyScore => validationFrontPhotocopy
- validationBackPhotocopyScore => validationBackPhotocopy
- validationBothSidesMatchScore => validationBothSidesMatch
- validationFacialMatchingScore => validationFacialMatching
- The next validation fields have been added as new:
- validationDateOfBirth
- validationDateOfExpiry
- validationPersonalNumberBothSidesMatch
- validationIdentityVerification
- validationLiveness
- The next validation fields have been deleted from the validation matrix:
- The /detect enpoint implementation has been improved to correctly make requests to the DNN detection service.
- The /scanProcess endpoint implementation has been improved to be able to make requests without the need to indicate the parameters of the images.
- New fields have been added to the JSON result file for IDNIDCard documents:
- province
- cityRegency
- district
- village
- zipCode
- validationAddress
- Solved a bug that caused when GTMIDCard documents were scanned, in some cases we were returning the MRZ validation process result as not valid and the MRZ value was valid.
- Solved a bug that caused when very large images were used, we were rotating them.
- Solved a bug that caused when ESPIDCardTIE documents were scanned, and the user had only one surname, we were returning the name field as null instead of the second surname field.
- Added a new property called enabled_user_locking_feature to enable and disable the user locking system.
- Solved a bug that caused when SLVIDCardV1 documents were scanned, and the user had only one surname, we were returning not correct values in firstSurname and secondSurname fields.
- Solved a bug that caused when SLVDrivingLicense documents were scanned, and the user was foreigner, we were not retuning the name and the surname fields correctly.
- Solved a bug that caused when SLVIDCardCA4 documents were scanned, and the user's documentNumber field has only 5 digits, we were returning two MRZ separator characters in the documentNumber value.
- Solved a bug that caused when SLVIDCardV1 documents were scanned, and the validationBothSidesMatchScore was returned correctly, we were returning that field as null when the operation '/private/get' was performed.
- Solved a bug that caused we were returning some MRZ values with not correct gender and nationality values, and we were returning these MRZs as valid.
- Solved a bug that caused when the property max_attempts_to_lock_user was modified, we were using the default value always.
- Solved a bug that caused when ESPIDCardV2 documents were scanned we were returning bad results with very good images in some cases.
New features
- It has been added one new endpoint to classify documents ("/classification").
- It has been added one new field to the JSON result, called validationFaceLaserMarkScore, that returns the score of the new document verification process that performs the matching between the document user face and the document laser mark face (for documents from El Salvador and Mexico only).
- Passport_TD3 document type has been renamed to TD3Passport. Passport_TD3 has been deprecated, but it will be able to be used currently until it is deleted in next versions.
- NIE document type has been renamed to ESPResidencePermitV1. NIE has been deprecated, but it will be able to be used currently until it is deleted in next versions.
- ESPIDCardRP document type has been renamed to ESPResidencePermitV2. ESPIDCardRP has been deprecated, but it will be able to be used currently until it is deleted in next versions.
- ESPIDCardTIE document type has been renamed to ESPResidencePermitV3. ESPIDCardTIE has been deprecated, but it will be able to be used currently until it is deleted in next versions.
- NIE document type has been replaced by ESPResidencePermit to enable the classification process for Spanish documents for foreigners.
- The asynchronous scan process for IDDocumentMRZ documents has been improved to increase the number of valid MRZs.
- The accuracy at the information extraction process for ESPIDCardV4 documents has been improved.
- Bug fixed that caused the MRZ control digit validation result was returned as NOT_VALID instead of NOT_CHECKED when the control digit was returned as '?' because the application could not extract it properly.
- Bug fixed that caused the date of expiry was returned as empty when the value of that field was a permanent date of expiry (01/01/9999) for ESPIDCardV2 documents.
- The accuracy at the information extraction process for SLVIDCardNIT documents has been improved (names and surnames mostly).
- Bug fixed that caused the place of birth (city and state) was returned as empty when the user's place of birth is from a place outside El Salvador for SLVIDCardV1 documents.
- New fields have been added to the result for SLVIDCardV1 documents: fatherName and motherName (complete father's name and complete mother's name respectively).
- New fields have been added to the result for SLVIDCardCA4 documents: dateOfIssuing and placeOfBirth (date in which the document was issued and the user's country of birth respectively).
- For SLVIDCardNIT documents, support to the OCR-DNN has been added.
New features
- The ALPHA-3 code of El Salvador (SLV) has been added to allow classifying the input images among all the documents of El Salvador supported by MobbScan.
- A new validation process has been added (validationRelationshipDates) that allows to return if there is a coherent relationship between the dates obtained in the result of the scanning process (birth and expiration, and issuance in some cases).
- A new field has been added in the result of the process (viz) that has the common data (name, surname, date of birth, expiration, etc.) that can be obtained from the MRZ, but that have been obtained from another part of the document in which they are visible too.
- A new type of document (ESPIDCardV4) has been added to support the new DNI that is issued in Spain since August 2021.
- Three new fields have been added to the CHLIDCardE document scanning process result: cityOfBirth, regionOfBirth and profession.
- A new type of event has been added to save the information about the deletion operations.
- When the second attempt to process an asynchronous scan is to be made, this process is queued in the main queue at the beginning instead of the end, so that it is the first of the next iteration to execute and avoid having to wait for the rest processes are carried out.
- When the second attempt is to be made to process an asynchronous scan, and the resources of that process have been removed from the directory of the asynchronous processes, these resources are now recovered before carrying out the scanning process.
- The way resources are loaded in the system's backoffice has been changed to avoid having to depend on the port on which the application is deployed and whether it is deployed with HTTP or HTTPS.
- The REDIS configuration has been modified to be able to apply locks and that the scheduled tasks are executed only in one of the nodes (if so desired).
- The scheduled task that releases completed processes has been modified so that they are released in batch rather than sequentially.
- When the start button is pressed in the application's back-office, the user is redirected to the beginning of the list and the filters are reset.
- The result of the liveness process will now be taken into account when applying the validation matrix.
- The process of exporting processes to CSV will now take into account the result of the liveness and facial matching processes when returning the information about the processes.
- New documents that do not have MRZ have been added as exceptions to consider in native document detection.
- Solved a bug that caused the scan processes that were performed using two different documents (one document for the front image and other document for the back image), returned valid results at the both sides validation process instead of returning not valid results to indicate that the two input images belonged to different documents.
- The name and surname values extraction process has been improved for ESPIDCardV2 documents to avoid returning empty values.
- The model, brand and class values extraction process has been improved for SLVDrivingLicense documents to avoid returning emtpy values.
- The address value extraction process has been improved for SLVIDCardV1 documents to avoid returning empty values.
- The MRZ separators validation process has been improved to avoid returning a not valid result when the MRZ value is valid.
- A bug, which caused the pagination numbers and the processes that were shown were not correct in the processes' list view, has been solved.
- A bug, which caused the entire liveness process was rejected as soon as the facial matching process returned a not valid result, even though the liveness process returned a valid result, has been solved.
- Add new field to the result to check the relationship between all returned dates (expiring, issuing, birth): validationDatesRelationship.
- Using the license identification, now is possible to custom the application deployment using one port different to the default value.
- The MRZ value extraction process has been improved to avoid bad results are returned when TD1IDCard were scanned.
- A bug, that caused 'not-found-errors' with the FACE-DOCUMENT image, has been solved.
- A bug, that caused that some label values were returned as valid result where SLVDrivingLicense were scanned, has been solved.
- The CURP extraction process has been improved to avoid not valid CURP values were returned as valid result.
- A bug, that caused that some validations (dates, MRZ, etc.) was not performed if an error appeared, has been solved.
- A bug, that caused that a not needed resources' directory was not deleted when a scan process was deleted, has been solved.
- A bug, that caused the facial matching returned a not valid result when it exceeded the upper threshold during the liveness process, has been solved.
- The way to show the liveness result (scores) has been changed from a range between 0 and 1 to a range between 0 and
- The security level has been improved in the process of getting the scan process images using the private API.
- In some cases, when Spanish documents are scanned, the COVID-19 exception for expiring dates is not needed. We have added the possibility of skipping that exception using the license identification.
New features
- Implemented user block mechanism to avoid brute force attacks.
- Implemented a new endpoint to perform the identity verification process by video using a list of video frames instead of a video file to be supported by some browsers.
- Improved the classification process for Spanish NIE documents.
- Increased the number of messages displayed in the health service to see the spent time on each check.
- The identity number validation process has been improved for Spanish NIE documents.
- Improved scan process for IDDocumentMRZ documents types, adding MRZ detection process with DNN, that it can be enabled by license.
- The appearance verification process for documents of type GTMIDCard has been improved.
- Solved a bug that prevented going to the next and previous processes in the list of samples not completed in the backoffice.
- Solved a bug that caused that some MRZ values could not be validated correctly when ESPIDCardTIE documents were scanned.
- Solved a bug that prevented that facial validation process could be performed using IDDocumentMRZ documents.
- System's messages' quality and quantity have been improved to debug better than before to locate possible issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused that MRZ value does not show correctly at the detailed view in the back-office, when IDDocumentMRZ documents were scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused that some fields from Spanish documents (NIE, RP, TIE) was not extracted correctly.
- When SLVDrivingLicenseV1 and SLVDrivingLicenseV2 documents are scanned, the specific document type will be returned as the result.
- Fixed a bug that caused that PDF files' asynchronous detection and scan process does not performed correctly.
- When one new asynchronous scan process is going to be performed, and it is already completed, one new asynchronous process will be caught until the asynchronous scan process list is empty or until a not completed process is caught.
- When SLVDrivingLicenseV1 and SLVDrivingLicenseV2 documents were scanned, it will be return SLVDrivingLicense as result document type to avoid some errors with the client platforms.
New features
- Added new feature to asynchronous operations API: Document detection and scanning process for PDF files.
- Added the new document type SLVDrivingLicenseV2 to extract all information from the new driving license from El Salvador that was released on 2021.
- Added the new document type SLVDrivingLicenseV1 to distinguish the new driving license version from the old one.
- Some not internationalized text from the back-office have been internationalized to be showed in English and Portuguese too.
- If a license has enabled the scan validation process, the result of that process is showed in a new section of the process detailed view.
- If a license has enabled the scan validation process, the result of that process is reflected in the column 'Validation' of the processes list view.
- The validation process between front and back sides of name field has been improved in ESPIDCardV2 documents.
- The by video identity verification operation no longer needs the parameter 'documentImage' as mandatory.
- Fixed a bug that caused that 'validationDocumentNumber' field always was returned as NOT_VALID in SLVIDCardV1 documents.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error during the corrupted images processing.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error during the special floating points numbers processing in the events saving.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error during the empty images processing in the crop of that images.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error during the asynchronous processes.
- Fixed a bug that caused that IDDocumentMRZ documents were not scanned correctly.
New features
- The possibility that one scan validation process can be configured based on the configuration of a validation matrix has been added.
- HTTP security headers have been added in backoffice request responses.
- Information regarding the "clientVersion" field has been added to the responses of the /scan, /scan/back and /scan/front operations.
- Improvements in the document classification process have been implemented in order to reject processes in which two back images or two front images are sent.
- Improvements in the data extraction process of NIE type documents (NIE, ESPIDCardRP, ESPIDCardTIE) have been implemented in order to include the data related to the user's birth.
- Improvements in the process of data extraction from Passport_TD3 type documents have been implemented.
- Improvements in the "name" field extraction process in documents of the SLVIDCardV1 type in order to extract correctly the user's name for cases in which the name appears truncated in the "MRZ" field.
- Fixed a bug that caused the URL of the detail view of the backoffice samples to not be constructed correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the content of some MRZs to be correctly validated when documents of the ESPIDCardRP type were processed.
- Fixed a bug that caused that the CSV files generated from the export operation could not be read correctly due to the fact that the "clientVersion" field could take values that contain the character ";".
- Fixed a bug that caused that during the facial validation process, the photo of the watermark was used instead of the original photo of the user in documents of the GTMIDCard type.
- Fixed a bug that caused that during the data extraction process for NIE type documents, when the user only has a single surname, we only filled in the "surname" field instead of also filling in the "firstSurname" field.
- The possibility of exporting the information of the scans made from the backoffice listing page has been removed in order to avoid errors that were occurring.
- Fixed a bug that caused that operation /api/tools/stringMatching did not work correctly.
- Added protection against CSRF attacks.
- Fixed a bug that caused the username to be returned in the "knownBy" field instead of null (when that field is empty).
- Fixed a bug that caused invalid values to be returned in validations of MRZ separators when the MRZ was really correct.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the facial validation process when trying to create the file with the timestamp information.
- Fixed a bug that caused that with compound names, the first name is returned duplicated with ESPIDCardV3 documents.
- Fixed a bug that caused that with SLVIDCardV1 documents issued abroad, that information was returned as null.
- Fixed a bug that caused that in requests with "//", a 500 error was returned.
- Fixed a bug that caused ROLE_ADMIN users to not be able to delete users from the administration panel.
- Fixed a bug that caused users to be created with the same name as other existing users.
New features
- Added new service to control addresses lines in Spanish and Salvadoran documents.
- Added event registration process.
- Added new filters to processes list view: filter by scanId and by process status.
- Added new table with generic information about the scan process in the detail process view: scanId, channel and date.
- Added passwords security migration process.
- Improved asynchronous scan process with extra IDDocumentMRZ scan.
- Improved data parsing accuracy about foreign people in Spanish documents.
- Improved data parsing accuracy in COLIDCardV3 document type.
- Improved user creation process: password with mandatory minimum security and error messages in several languages.
- Improved user edition process: change password process has been separated from other user fields edition.
- Improved MRZ data parsing accuracy in CHLIDCardE documents.
- Improved SLVIDCardV1 documents detail view: added profession, marital status and address fields to data table.
- Improved all data parsing accuracy in SLVDrivingLicense document type.
- Improved CURP field and date of expiry field data parsing accuracy in MEXIDCardC document type.
- Improved the method that we use for returning the best surnames (from back side or from front side) in SLVIDCardCA4 document type.
- Some general improvements at system logs have been developped.
- Fixed a bug that caused one null pointer exception in some cases when asynchronous scan process was performed.
- Fixed a bug that caused one null pointer exception in some cases when we wanted to get the main reason of a IOException.
- Fixed a bug that caused that we scanned EURDrivingLicense documents, we did not return some fields (appearance validations fields).
- Fixed a bug that caused that when we scanned IDDocumentMRZ documents, we did not return some fields (MRZ, names, dates, etc.).
- Fixed a bug that caused that empty directories were maintained in the asynchronous scan process directory.
- Fixed a bug that caused one exception during the ESPIDCardV2 documents scan process.
- Improved the name and surname fields parsing accuracy in ESPIDCardV2, ESPIDCardV3, SLVIDCardV1 and SLVIDCardCA3 types.
- Improved data parsing accuracy in ESPIDCardTIE type.
- Fixed a bug that caused one null pointer exception when ESPIDCardRP documents were scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused one class cast exception when CHLIDCardE documents and SLVIDCardNIT were scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused one illegal argument exception when timestamp was replaced in the face validation process.
- Fixed a bug that caused one null pointer exception when classification service doesn't return a result and it is null.
- Fixed a bug that caused that the video of the identity verification by video was not loaded correctly in backoffice.
- Fixed a bug that caused that the video of the identity verification by video was public instead of private.
- Fixed a bug that caused one null pointer exception because MEXIDCardF properties were not injected correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused one no such file exception when the JSON file of the identity verification by video doesn't exist.
- Fixed a bug that caused performance problems with the health check service.
- Added filesystem check to the health check service.
- Improved the address field parsing accuracy in ESPIDCardRP document type.
- Updated the date exception because of COVID in Mexican documents types.
- Improved the address and city fields parsing accuracy in Spanish documents types.
- Fixed a bug that caused falses positives in facial matching process.
- Fixed a bug that caused a null pointer exception when PANIDCard documents were scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused that "validationFacialMatchingScore" field was always zero when identity verification by video process was performed.
- Fixed a bug that caused a timeout when a user wanted to export all information about the scan processes and there were several (more than 1000) different of them.
- Swapping of document sides allowed for asynchronous scanning processes (set the front side as the back side and vice versa).
- Improved the validation NIT process in SLVDrivingLicense document type.
- Improved address and personal number fields parsing accuracy in SLVIDCardV1 document type.
- Added seconds to the date format at the API documentation.
- Updated error codes and validation results thresholding on identity verification by video process.
- Fixed a bug that caused that the FACE-NOW image was not returned for ESPIDCardRP document type.
New features
- Added new document type: MEXPassport.
- Added new document type: PANIDCardV1.
- Added new document type: PANIDCardV2.
- Added new control so that we return an error when process's images don't exist and user requests them.
- Added new control so that we return an error when user requests the process's result indicating a not valid license.
- Added new fields to be parsed in SLVIDCardV1 document type: the name and surname of the user's spouse.
- Added several generic document types: CHL, CRI, DEU, PER, PAN, SLV and COL.
- Improved front data parsing accuracy in ESPIDCardV2 document type.
- Improved address field parsing accuracy in ESPIDCardV3 document type.
- Improved date of expiry field parsing accuracy and validation in MEXIDCardC document type.
- Improved CURP parsing accuracy and validation in MEXIDCard document types.
- Improved address field parsing accuracy in SLVDrivingLicense document type.
- Improved scan process adding some checking:
- If input image is a detected image and the detection process returns one error, the process will be done without the detection process.
- If user send exchanged images (front image in back field and back image in front field), we exchange the images and the process will be done with this exchange.
- Now, IDNIDCard specific fields are showed at validation portal.
- Now, SLVPassport specific fields are showed at validation portal.
- Now, MEXPassport specific fields are showed at validation portal.
- Fixed a bug that caused a null pointer exception when name validation between document sides process was performed.
- Fixed a bug that caused a null pointer exception when OCR service returned a null object.
- Fixed a bug that caused that gender validation field returns NOT_VALID as value when gender field returns null.
- Validation between document sides has been improved in GTMIDCard document type.
- All variables whose type was Random has been changed to SecureRandom.
- Video identity verification process returns now one identification number if it is needed.
- Fixed bug that caused that when some documents types were scanned (SLVDrivingLicense and IDNIDCard), the process's images (front, back, etc.) were not correctly returned if user wanted them.
New features
- New document type has been added: SLVPassport.
- New section has been added to backoffice to see the result of the identification by video process.
- Improved address field parsing accuracy in SLVIDCardV1 document type.
- Document classification process has been improved when MEXIDCard documents are scanned.
- Validation between GTMIDCard document sides has been improved.
- Fixed connection error to MySQL database.
New features
- New document has been added: SLVIDCardNIT.
- Added new fields to SLVIDCardV1: 'cityOfIssuance' and 'stateOfIssuance'.
- Improved personal number field accuracy in GTM documents.
- Added Covid-19 date of expiry exception to Mexican documents.
- Improved ESPIDCardV3 front sention data parsing accuracy.
- Improved validation between sides accuracy for GTM documents.
- Improved laser mark validation accuracy for ESPIDCardV2.
- DNN services have been enabled for all licenses by default.
- Improved MEXIDCard data parsing accuracy.
- Fixed bug: in some cases data labels were returned as actual data for SLVDrivingLicense documents.
- Improved OCR field accuracy for MEX documents.
- Added new fields to SLVIDCardV1. 'profession', 'knownBy', 'maritalStatus', 'cityOfBirth', 'stateOfBirth' and 'dateOfIssuing'.
- Improved CURP field accuracy for MEX documents.
- Improved occupation and name fields accuracy for SLV documents.
- Fixed bug: GTM issuing state was not returned correctly.
- Fixed bug: added new profile ('no_redis') for situations in which Redis is unavailable or not installed.
- Fixed bug: bad configuration for Redis PROD environment.
- Improved Passport_TD3 MRZ parsing accuracy.
- Improved ESPIDCardV2 and ESPIDCardV3 data parsing accuracy.
- Added scanAsync feature (three Redis profiles have been created: DEV, PRE, PRO).
- Fixed a bug that caused bad parsing of SLVDrivingLicense data.
- Improved SLVIDCardV1 name and surname parsing accuracy.
- Improved image files management to avoid loss of quality.
- Fixed bug: name validation between document sides must be VALID when front name is correct and MRZ name is truncated.
- Fixed bug: when MEXIDCardGH documents were scanned, CURP was not returned correctly.
- Fixed bug: validation document number must be returned when IDDocumentMRZ document is scanned.
New features
- New document has been added: MEXIDCardGH.
- Added new fields to GTMIDCard documents: 'personalNumber'.
- Improved SLVIDCardV1 address field accuracy.
- Improved MEXIDCard data parsing accuracy.
- Added validation between document sides to GTMIDCard documents.
- Accuracy and performance boosts for ESPIDCardV2 document.
- Validation between document sides has been improved for ESPIDCardV2 documents.
- Fixed bug that caused bad results when SLVIDCardV1 documents were scanned: no value was returned at zip code field.
- Accuracy has been increased in some front side fields of ESPIDCardV3 document: gender, nationality, date of expiry, document number, name and surname.
- Accuracy has been increased in some back side fields of ESPIDCardV3 document: address, region of birth, city of birth, region and city. All this sections have been joined in only one section.
- Accuracy has been increased in date of expiry field of ESPIDCardV1 document.
- Added new field to MEXIDCard documents: 'rfc'.
- MEXIDCard data parsing improvements by means of DNN-based OCR engine.
- Added Covid-19 date of expiry exception to Spanish documents.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when documents were not correctly classified.
- Fixed bug that caused bad results when MRZ name was truncated.
- Added validation between document sides to SLVIDCardV1 and SLVIDCardCA4 documents.
- Added a specific backend view for SLVDrivingLicense documents details.
- Fixed bug that caused date of expiry and date of birth cross-mistakes when using SLVIDCardCA4 document.
- Improvements in image metadata analysis to detect the use of fraudulent documents.
- Fixed bug that caused bad results when Malaysian passports were scanned: Malaysian passports do not include surname in the first MRZ line.
- Fixed bug that caused bad results when SLV documents were scanned: some fields were not obtained correctly.
- Fixed bug that caused that document number was not showed on test page when TD2 and TD3 documents were scanned.
- Fixed bug: when a scan is performed again, previous images must be deleted.
New features
- New document has been added: SLVDrivingLicense.
- Added new condition in MRZ parser to support Malaysian passports.
- Added a new correction service for SLVDrivingLicense documents: vehicle class and vehicle type parsing.
- Added new attributes to SLVDrivingLicense: 'nit' and 'validationNit'.
- Added ICC profile analysis in order to improve digital tampering detection.
- Added new names and surnames to SLV database.
- Fixed a bug that caused a bad result when the MRZ of Portuguese documents was scanned.
- Fixed a bug: FACE-DOCUMENT image is generated and showed on passport and face matching process now.
- Fixed a bug: protect /images API operation and /private operations must be under AccessInterceptor control.
- PDF files can use new DNN document detection module.
- Fixed a bug: /images needed an authenticated user.
- Fixed a bug: delete SCAN_PROCESS row should be a logical deletion (preserve mobbscan uses).
- Fixed a bug that caused bad OCR engine behaviour with SLVIDCardV1 documents.
- SLVIDCardV1 and SLVIDCardCA4 documents can use DNN-based OCR if such property is enabled.
- New fields have been added to SLVIDCardV1: 'address' and 'nit'.
- Added a validation query compatible with mysql and postgresql.
- Fixed a bug that caused a file not found exception on validate web service.
- Fixed a bug that caused a bad result when ESPIDCardRP documents were scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when surname both sides matching score was calculated.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the MRZ of ESPIDCardV1 documents was scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused a bad result when the MRZ of ESPIDCardV3 documents was scanned (name was not returned if it did not exist in the database).
- Fixed a bug that caused a bad resutl when ESPIDCardV2 documents were scanned: valid personal numbers could be replaced by not valid personal numbers.
- Fixed a concurrency issue with DNN-based OCR cache.
- Fixed a concurrency issue with configurePreprocessor method: it must return the preprocessor parameters list.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an user was loaded in login page.
- Fixed a bug that caused a second POSTto /showAll on validations list page.
- Fixed a bug that caused a 504 error when the system had an overload of validations.
- Fixed a bug when other document side was got.
- Fixed a bug that was caused in /scan/front and /scan/back operations: scanId should be returned.
- Fixed a bug caused by validationDocumentForensics and iOS origin pictures.
- When DNN-based OCR returns null objects, these null objects are changed to empty objects.
- Added new Spanish names and surnames to database.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when DNN-based OCR returned null objects when the MRZ of Portuguese documents was scanned.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when DNN-based OCR returned null objects when the back side of Spanish documents was scanned.
- Fixed a concurrency issue with MobbScanImageBuilder object.
- Fixed a bug that caused a bad use of DNN-based OCR with SLVIDCardV1 and SLVIDCardCA4 documents.
New features
- Added support for new document types: Italian Driving License (ITADrivingLicense), Portuguese driving license (PRTDrivingLicense), Spanish driving license (ESPDrivingLicense), El Salvador driving license (SLVDrivingLicense), Italian Carta d'Identità (ITAIDCardV1).
- Added a new document type (PRT) to support all supported Portuguese IDs: PRTIDCardV1, PRTDrivingLicense. MobbScan will automatically detect the actual document type and parse ID fields accordingly.
- Address and NIT fields are now returned for El Salvador ID card (SLVIDCardV1).
- New validation for latest Spanish ID card (ESPIDCardV3) based on the matching between laser mark and name initials.
- New validation for Spanish ID cards that detects specimen and sample documents in order to avoid fake scanning processes.
- OCR accuracy and performance thanks to a new deep learning-based engine.
- ID card detection and segmentation, improving performance in challenging environments (poor lighting, unconstrained backgrounds, photocopies...).
- Verification module based on ID appearance analysis, improving success rates.
- Improved parallel request management.
- Address field extraction for Spanish ID cards.
- Forensic analysis based on metadata for images coming from iOS devices.
- Scanning process for requests sending both ID card sides separately.
New features
- New forensics module has been added. If enabled, ID cards are analyzed searching for fraud or spoofing traces by means of image file analysis
- New verification module has been added. If enabled, ID cards are analyzed searching for suspicious modification traces by means of ID appearance analysis
- Added a new document type (ESP) to support all supported Spanish IDs: ESPIDCardV1, ESPIDCardV2, ESPIDCardV3, ESPIDCardRP, NIE and EURDrivingLicense. MobbScan will automatically detect the actual document type and parse ID fields accordingly
- Added support for new document types: Dutch passport (NLDPassport), Israel driving license (ISRDrivingLicense), Cuba ID Card (CUBIDCard), Colombian foreigner ID Card (COLIDCardExt) and all IDs following ICAO TD2 standard (TD2IDCard)
- MobbScan endpoints can now be called with and without .json extensions
- Administration dashboard
- Main core processes (detection, classification and fraud prevention) have been updated with new technologies and algorithms based on AI, improving results and reliability
- ID detection and segmentation performance boost, reducing the risk of unexpected behaviour such as bad rotations or misaligned crops
- Portuguese ID (PRTIDCard) data extraction and validation
- Spanish ID (ESPIDCard) data extraction and validation
- Stronger black and white photocopy control
- Face detection is now stronger thanks to a novel deep learning algorithm
- Resolved bugs found in data extraction and validation processes for different document types
- Fixed bug that prevented document detection on rotated images or with a big size
New features
- Includes support for European driving licenses (EURDrivingLicense).
- Validations between front and back side data for Spanish IDs (ESPIDCardV1, ESPIDCardV2, ESPIDCardV3, NIE).
- Document detection and cropping
- OCR accuracy
New features
- Passport detection
- PDF417 scanning
- ID face picture cropping
- False positives rejection at detection step
- MRZ validation for Spanish ID in IDDocumentMRZ type
- NIE first MRZ line parsing
- El Salvador ID ocument number parsing
- Peruvian ID PDF417 scanning
- Colombia ID PDF417 scanning
- Face validation scoring
- Spanish ID gender and nationality parsing
- Spanish ID both sides validaition
New features
Short names and surnames corrections
El Salvador ID OCR and data validation
Spanish documents (v1, v2, v3 and NIE) OCR and data validation
Support for PDF417 in the following documents:
- El Salvador national identity card, version 1 (Date Issued: 01.11.2001)
- Peruvian national document of identity, version 1 (Date Issued: 1997)
- Colombian national identity card, version 3 (Date Issued: 01.05.2000)
Preprocessor logging
- Date of birth validation in passports
- Nationality corrections in all documents
- Mexico ID memory leaks prevention
New features
- New documents: El Salvador residence permit, Guatemala ID card and lite version for Mexican IDs.
- Stateless mode available.
- OCR extraction for electronic ID card of Peru.
- Both side validations.
- Face matching service.
- Show a more detailed info in the evidences backend.
- scanAgain mode problem